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The G & J Blog

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Our Tony's Gelato Easter Puddings

Our Tony's Gelato Easter Puddings

Using a spoon press the gelato into your muffin tin/pudding tin. Push to cover the sides and base of the tin to create a wall thick enough so your filling won’t creep out.
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Real Bread Week - Milling is in our genes

Real Bread Week - Milling is in our genes

In 2020 the whole nation seemed to turn to baking at home as the lockdown and pandemic took over our lives. What would families do to keep entertained - bake!
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How To Make The Perfect Pancakes

How To Make The Perfect Pancakes

Pancake Day is one of those events that some people love or hate. As a child I found that I picked the short straw and given the task to make the pancakes every year.
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